Variables passed into HTML from VBA for a boilerplate template
I am assuming like this:
Set itm = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\myfile.oft" )
itm.HTMLBody = Replace(itm.HTMLBody, "%name%", "customer_name")
I found it in an old forum post of yours off of lockergnome, is that correct?
"Nathan" wrote:
I have a complex HTML e-mail message that I want to be able to customize
using variable in VBA. I don't want to have to go through the entire HTML
maessage and include in the the .htmlbody when creating a new message. I
would perfer to somehow pass variables that are set via an input box and then
pass them into the message in a template? Some variables are just text in
the message with HTML formatting and some variables are text+part of a
hyplerlink. Does anyone know wuick way to achieve this, I am just spinning
my wheels...