What version of Windows does your PC run?
Ans:Windows XP
What type of account is the
sender using?

op3 mail account
What does the "Internet format" drop-down at the bottom indicate?
Ans:Send using Outlook Rich Text Format
If the sender opens your contact record, double-clicks your
email address, does the sender see an "E-mail Properties" dialogue? If so,
what does the "Internet format" drop-down at the bottom indicate?
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
liya wrote:
I am receiving these emails but I am troubleshooting for my colleague
and all the measures I have carried out to eradicate this problem
seems to be of no avail.
What version of Windows does your PC run? What type of account is the
sender using? If the sender opens your contact record, double-clicks your
email address, does the sender see an "E-mail Properties" dialogue? If so,
what does the "Internet format" drop-down at the bottom indicate?
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]