Sharing Online calendar
One more thing:
I also received this notice in the calendar's email to my office email
"This calendar is shared with restricted permissions. To preview or
subscribe to this calendar, you need to enroll the e-mail address to which
this e-mail message was sent with a Windows Live IDâ„¢ account."
How do I enroll my office email address to my existing Live ID account?
"Kevin Malaysia" wrote:
1. I tried to share an online calendar created in Outlook 2007 with my
colleagues. Some can incorporate the online cal into their outlook 2007,
some cannot and one outlook 2003 user cannot open the calendar via web
2. I also tried to subscribe to another online calendar sent by my boss but
error message was "The Windows Live ID that you signed in with is not
authorized to view this calendar...."
The Live ID uses a different email address from our office email address.
What happened?
regards - kevin