Dear Stephen,
Double-clicking it opened it as the standard form,
This is normally not correct. Normally you must see the new form.
Please delete your "formcache" and try it again.
"How the Outlook forms cache works"
After you see your corect form, you must publish the form:
How to determine where to publish a custom Outlook form
Fro existing contacts you will need a tool that can change the "message
class" of the existing forms.
We developed a freeware tool which change the message class:
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Extended reminder function for Outlook / Exchange: Public Reminder Addin
"Stephen" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Thanks Oliver.
I saved it as "Untitled.oft" then emailed it to work, then saved it to the
desktop. Double-clicking it opened it as the standard form, not my new
"well-designed" (ha-ha-ha!) form. Do I need to publish it first, and if
so, what's the sub-directory called where User-Defined forms are usually
stored - please?
Oliver Vukovics [Public Shareware] wrote:
Hi Stephen,
you must save this form as an "oft" file.
This file you can send by email and then you can publish / use thsi form
on another computer.
Have a look n this site:
"Saving and Publishing Outlook Forms"
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Extended reminder function for Outlook / Exchange: Public Reminder Addin
"Stephen" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Using Outlook 2003, I would like to design a custom Contacts form at
home (as I have more time there)and then email it to my work (where I am
also running Outlook 2003.
I've Googled & searched this forum, to no avail - is this possible?