Set users Outlook to 'Use Cacjed Exchange mode' worked.
Our users don't have roaming profiles here.
Thanks for your advice, it's been very helpful.
"Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
Setting Up Outlook 2003 Cached Exchange Mode Accounts
See the section titled:
Outlook features that can reduce the effectiveness of Cached Exchange Mode:
Often this is caused by a synchronization that is not occuring
Also check to see if the clients are setup for "Roaming Profiles".
I would also try deleting the OST files (in case they are corrupt). These
files can be deleted without a problem, they will simply recreate
themselves when you log back into Exchange using Outlook.
Nikki Peterson
"targetUT" wrote in message
On Feb 3, 9:58 pm, Marcus wrote:
I have an issue I would like some advice about, I scheduled a meeting
from my PC in my bosses calendar for which I have read/write access to. I
invited 2 guests and after having a guest unable to attend I opened the
meeting from his calendar and changed the time of the meeting and hit send
update button.
The meeting time has remained the same time in my bosses calendar and the
new time is now sitting in my calendar with the words copy of the meeting
details. I have checked with the invited guests and it is sitting in their
calendar for the new time.
This has happened before but not all the time. Do you have any idea of
is going on and this has cause confusion in the past and how do I get the
meeting to update in his calendar because when you click on the meeting it
shows the next time but sits in the old time. When this has happened
I have change the meeting from his PC and its okay.
Good luck mang... I had the same exact problem.. no one answered me..
still no clue wtf is making it do this..
Our layout is exchange 2003 / outlook 2007 in cached mode.
I am looking into using public calendars for some room calendars.. but
you raise an interesting point that that does not take care of the
intial issue of a users calendar like your bosses.