I have emails containing attachments of other emails and attachments of word
or excel documents. Is there a way to searh the content in the attachments
for a specific word or phrase? These emails involve funding for a handicapped
individual and problems with the bureaucracy. There are hundreds of them.
If not. Could I create a macro (don't know anything about them) to find all
attachments with the word "respite" in them or "planning" in them?
"Diane Poremsky" wrote:
No, it doesn't search attachment content.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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"Marleneburton" wrote in message
When I do a search in outlook 2003, does the search also check the
of my attachments?
Just want to know if I have to search the attachment content some other