Thread: .swf ending
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Old February 14th 08, 12:32 AM posted to
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Default .swf ending

Just thought it was worth a shot since you said PA Bear's suggestion didn't
work. (Although I thought it would have).
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA

"Joy" wrote in message

Should I go through all this when it seems to be only the.swf ones that
won't open for me?

"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message

If you get a blank page when you click a link in an e-mail:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type:

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

3. Click OK, and then click OK again when you receive the following

DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll succeeded.

4. If that doesn't fix it, see this article:

5. If you are using WinXP try this:

You can also try this:

Go to Start/run, and type SFC (msconfig for WinXP).
Choose 'Extract One File From Installation Disk' ("Expand File" for
Type oleaut32.dll, not worrying about its location. Then, click Start.

Next to 'Restore From', type in or browse for the file's location, which
is probably in the Win98 (i386 for WinXP) folder of your installation
CD-ROM (typically D:\Win98), or in your Windows\Options\Cabs
(Windows\i386 for WinXP) folder, as the case may be.

Then, next to 'Save File In', enter C:\Windows\System
(C:\Windows\System32 for WinXP), and click OK. System File Checker (or
msconfig) looks for the file, saves it as you requested, and then tells
you that 'the file has been successfully extracted'.

You may need to reboot.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA

"Joy" wrote in message
The IE page opens up with the URL in the address bar, but the page is
totally blank.

"Ken" wrote in message
Can you view this?

Licking Dog Screen Cleaner


"Joy" wrote in message

| sigh I went to that page, and it downloaded something and said
| Installation Complete! Great! (I thought), so tried the two .smf
| again, and still neither one would open. The mini-golf game
| said 85 bytes, the other one had the URL only in the body of the
| no size. That other one, by the way (I was told) was a silly thing
| screen cleaner that in reality looks like a dog licking the screen.
| "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
| ...
| Go to this page to test your Shockwave and Flash Players:
| Do you see "Installation complete" in the first 2 windows?
| What is the size of each attachment or SWF file?
| --
| ~PA Bear
| Joy wrote:
| One was from a good friend, some sort of golf game, which she
| had
| opened and played.
| "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
| ...
| Were you expecting these attachments and were they messages sent
| someone you know? If not, delete the messages.
| --
| ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
| MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since
| AumHa VSOP & Admin
| Joy wrote:
| This may not be the correct place to ask this, but . . . .
| In the last couple of days I've received (via my OE e-mail, I
have v.
| and
| WinXP) two attachments with a .swf ending. Neither one opens.
| page
| opens, but stays blank and says "Done" at the bottom. What
don't I
| have
| that would enable me to open them? TIA
