How to restore folder lost during compacting
You did drag the original dbx file out of the message store first?
You then right clicked on the bak file in the Recycle Bin and chose Restore?
You created a folder in OE with the same name, (minus the dbx or bak
Did you open the folder and then close OE?
You now renamed the file from bak to dbx?
You opened OE an the folder is empty?
What is the size of the file for the folder in the message store?
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"hmdotcom" wrote in message
Don, Ken and Bruce, many thks for your quick responses. Highly appreciated
you took the time and trouble..
I followed Bruce's instructions, and have now a restored .dbx folder (from
the .bak in the recycle bin) inside my message store folder.
but the contents do not yet show up in Outlook Express.
I did create an empty folder within OE with the same name, but it remains
How do I get the contents of the restored .dbx folder in my OE6.
Any ideas ?
Thks for any further advice.
"hmdotcom" wrote in message
I have Windows XP and OE6. Stupidly (in retrospect) I lost part of a
folder-content when I interrupted an automatic compacting process, by
switching off my PC.
Reading thru previous messages on this group I noted Bruce Hagen's
comments to look for .bak files in my Recycle-bin.
Indeed the folder.bak is there. Is there a way to restore this folder to
the original .dbx and return it to my OE6 ?
Thks for any advise.