How to disable auto-capitalization of first letter in Outlook eMai
Please ignore "DL" and "PaulMaudib". They don't know what they are talking
Ronald Nissley has the best suggestion. Since the feature has its benefits,
it is better to leave it alone and just use Ctrl-Z when the character is
automatically capitalized.
A lot of people who do not Explore Outlook's features can readily assume
that the feature you refer to is not a part of Outlook. However, it has been
present a long time and a great annoyance to me until I learned Ctrl-Z will
undo the capitalization.
"Sven Claasen" wrote:
When I write new eMails in Outlook then always the first letter on new lines
is automatically turned into a capital letter.
How can I turn this "feature" off?
Characters should be taken as I type them.