If you deleted the old identities, you probably deleted all the mail as
Do an Advanced search and include Hidden Files and Folders. Search for:
If you find the old files, post back before you do anything. If you don't
find any then DBXpress run in Extract From Disk Mode /may/ be able to
recover your messages as it can read directly from the hard drive:
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"brett" wrote in message
Essentially, I was talked through setting up the new connection to a new
ISP by phone and followed instructions from the Technical Support
a. Why did changing ISPs require a new OE Identity? Sorry I do not know.
The new connection was set up and in the process a new identity was
b. Why didn't you add the ISP to the old OE Identity? I did not know I
c. Can you switch to your old OE Identities? No. They were deleted in
the process of setting up the new connection.
"Ron Sommer" wrote in message
Why did changing ISPs require a new OE Identity?
Why didn't you add the ISP to the old OE Identity?
Can you switch to your old OE Identities?
Ronald Sommer
"brett" wrote in message
Just seen these very useful replies which are near to my problem.
Have just changed ISP and therefore have setup a new identity for emails
in OE 6. In the process of setting up with wizard I have 'lost' my
email folders from before. This muddle has resulted from setting up
several identities with my old ISP, I cannot remember how this occurred
(senior moments come quickly with age). Now, after doing a search for
dbx files I can find a very long list of all the folders. There are
some folders duplicated each with its own asociated different identities
and I wish to import the folders into my OE under my new identity. How
can I see which ones I need; one way seems to be by inspection and only
selecting by recent dates, say all afetr 1 Feb 08 and copying these into
a 'store' folder on desktop and then importing into OE under my new
There are bound to be some duplicate emails lurking and I should prefer
not to lose anything.
Is there a simple and relative easy answer please with minimum hassle?
Most grateful for advice please.
I think I now know not to mess with identities.
regards, brett.
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
If you'd told us these details in the first post, we could've save you
some time:
Mail Folders, Address Book, Messages Missing After Upgrade to XP
Tools Options Maintenance Store folder will reveal the location
of your current Identity's store
(http://www.insideoe.com/files/store.htm#storemain). Write it down.
In WinXP, Win2K and Win2K03, the OE user files (DBX and WAB) are by
default marked as hidden. To view these files in Explorer, you must
enable Show Hidden Files and Folders under Start Control Panel
Folder Options View (cf.
In Windows Explorer, search for .DBX files. Any found which are not
located in your current store will most likely be those from your OE5
Identity. You can import this data using File Import Messages
(select) OE6 (select) From a store directory Point the import
wizard to the old identity's store location.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin http://aumha.net
DTS-L http://dts-l.net/
nick wrote:
Thanks to all for all the tips. I finally
figgered it all out.
Prob was going from a 98SE file structure to an
XP file structure. Just had to know what file types
to look for. Has anyone else noticed that explorer
(file list) does not let you sort by file type
(what used to be called extension)??
Just had to find the files in the 98SE structure
(all under C:/windows ...) and move them to
the XP structure (c:/documenrts and settings ...).
All works well...thanks