Where does OE keep it's mail folders?
In OE, Tools, Options, Maintenance tab, Store Folder button, right click,
Select All, right click, copy.
Close OE.
Start, Run, right click, Paste.
NOTE: in XP the dbx files may be hidden, in My Computer, Tools, Folder
Options, View tab, check Show hidden files.
Close OE.
I am assuming that you are wanting the Inbox and Sent Items from each
Open one of the other Store Folders.
Copy any folders that you want to the desktop folder.
Rename inbox.dbx to a.dbx.
Rename sent items.dbx to as.dbx.
Close that store folder and got to the next.
Copy any folders that you want to the desktop folder.
Rename inbox.dbx to b.dbx.
Rename sent items.dbx to bs.dbx.
Repeat for remaining Store Folders.
Open OE. Create new folders in OE to match the dbx files in the desktop
Open each folder.
I am going to call these folders, a, as, b, bs, c, cs, d, ds, ......
Close OE.
Move the dbx files from the desktop folder to the current Identity's Store
Say yes to overwrite the a.dbx with a.dbx, etc.
Ronald Sommer
"brett" wrote in message
Thanks, I have opened a folder on my desktop in anticipation of moving all
the dbx files/foders to it by copy and paste, or, drag and drop?
I presume I can then import these into OE and new identity. From there I
can examine each, tediously, to determine what I want to keep or delete?
Any pitfalls please?
The new ISP was late sending their CD and installation instructions; I was
cut off from the old and connected to the new before I knew it.
Efficiency! These things happen even in the best of circles as I have
found with doing a reinstall of Win XP on my daughter's machine and using
the OEM's WinXP CD - it is not all that easy or straightforward using the
support staff of the OEM of the computer or software.
Regards, brett.