If you would like, you may send me one of the problem messages and I'll
take a look at it. It's best if you zip the message so that I get an
exact copy of it. To do that, do a File, Save As to an EML file of a
problem message. Then Right click the saved EML file and select Send
To, Compressed (zipped) folder. Then e-mail me the resulting ZIP file.
Alternately, you can do a Message, Forward As Attachment of a problem
message. This is not as good as the zip file since the headers can be
modified in transit which may obscure the problem. A simple Forward is
worthless since it does not include the headers.
Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
"Nick" wrote in message
Thanks for your replies.
I am not using any anti-spam software. From the MIME headers it looks
as though Yahoo is using Cloudmark on their outgoing mail.
I haven't had a chance to do a test using a new identity in OE yet.
The message is structured as multipart/mixed and contains a
multipart/alternative section and the application/pdf section. The
multipart/alternative section consists of text/plain and text/html
parts. I have successfully received a similarly structured message
from the same sender containing a Word (.doc) file.
I noticed that in the message source display the MIME headers for the
application/pdf attachment are not highlighted in bold as all the rest
I also noticed that the pdf file had a long filename containing quite
a few spaces which I thought could have caused problems. However the
sender tried using a shorter filename but the result was the same.