Thanks Ken.
Do I call open dialog form as modal or not ( 1).I realize that my
problem is that I need to stop execution in the code in inspector window when
dialog form pops up, and wait for the dialog form to be closed and pass the
value to the dropdown on the inspector and based on passed value continue
execution in the inspector.
"Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
You need to set the z-order of the Inspector window before you set the form
dialog's z-order. I usually use SetWindowLong to make the Inspector window
parented by the main Outlook window, then I make the dialog window a child
of the Inspector window. I try to avoid SetWindowPos() with HWND_TOPMOST
because if the user clicks in a completely different application the dialog
using HWND_TOPMOST still remains on top and that tends to completely annoy
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options
"goran" wrote in message
I checked in Spy++. I have correct OpusApp window handle.I can't believe it
I have this on dropdown change event that suppose to launch dialog form:
SetWindowPos(frmDialog.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE Or
frmDialog.Show 1
then on Inspector_Activate I have:
hw = FindWindow("OpusApp", vbNullString) this is where I capture Inspector
and on dialog form Activate event I try to set Inspector as foreground
window like:
end sub
And when I click dialog form Inspector window which is foreground window
gets minimized. I even tried SetActiveWindow(hw), ShowWindow hw,
SW_SHOWACTIVATE etc to keep Inspector from dissapearing. I event put code
Inspector_Deactivate event to check if DialogForm is visible, If it is I
inspector.activate method. That does help sometimes but not always. Any
what should I try?