Unable to view contact information
Why do you have a PAB in your profile?
Remove it.
Russ Valentine
"JD2" wrote in message
Dear Outlook Gurus,
Please Help - I have viewed other postings on your community regarding
similar issues to this, and are getting nowhere fast!
When I create a new email and click the To: button (in Outlook 2003
under Windows XP), we don't see contacts. When I right-click the Contacts
folder and choose properties, the "Show this folder as an email address
bbook" option is grayed out.
I have tried the following suggestions in other postings:
(i) accessed Tools, Email Options command and added Outlook Address Book
Personal Address Book (get message that it already exists). Exited
and returned - no change.
(ii) accessed Tools, Email Options and changed existing Address Books -
removed Outlook Address Book and then re-added. Exited Outlook and
- no change
Both times I still could not access the Contacts Properties option which
greyed out. Any suggestions for anything else I could try??