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Old February 21st 08, 11:47 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default Where does OE keep it's mail folders?

All went very well but tedious job. Thanks for the splendid help, all.

"brett" wrote in message
Thanks very much for your patience. I'll get down to it now and let you
know when completed.

"Ron Sommer" wrote in message
You are selecting so you can copy and know the location of you current
Unless your other store folders have user created folders with
distinctive names and you remember those names, then everything will be
What a business !

Modified directions:
In OE, Tools, Options, Maintenance tab, Store Folder button, right click,
Select All, right click, copy.
Close OE.
Start, Run, right click, Paste.

Close OE.

Write down part of the Store Folder location.
The first six characters after the { bracket.
Example, for \Identities\{9754006D-2A61-47BF-8B5D-097A0A6CA84C}, write
down 975400.

Start, Run, OK.
Go 'up a folder' until you get to the Identities folder.
Open one of the Identities that is not your current Store Folder.
Copy any dbx files that you want to the desktop folder.
In the desktop folder, rename inbox.dbx to a.dbx.
Rename sent items.dbx to as.dbx.
Close that store folder and got to the next.
Copy any folders that you want to the desktop folder.
Rename inbox.dbx to b.dbx.
Rename sent items.dbx to bs.dbx.
Repeat for remaining Store Folders.

Open OE. Create new folders in OE to match the dbx files in the desktop
Open each folder.
I am going to call these folders, a, as, b, bs, c, cs, d, ds, ......
Close OE.

Start, Run, OK.
Move the dbx files from the desktop folder to the current Identity's
Say yes to overwrite the a.dbx with a.dbx, etc.

This will put all of the other Identity folders in the current Identity
as separate folders.
Folders containing duplicate messages can be deleted.
Ronald Sommer

"brett" wrote in message
I can get to "Select all" with a right click but I thought it would only
select all of my present (new) identity messages and not all the old
ones ?

"Ron Sommer" wrote in message
Right click in the location box.
Ronald Sommer

