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Old February 13th 06, 02:09 PM posted to microsoft.public.dotnet.framework,microsoft.public.dotnet.general,microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb,microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
external usenet poster
Posts: 27
Default BackGroundWorker.ProgressChanged "Cross-thread operation not valid" at 2nd/3th/... progress


I've tryed it, but it didn't work either :-/
And isn't the BackGroundWorker designed so we shouldn't worry anymore about
those Invoke and Delegates-stuff?

This is my new code with Invoke, which doesn't work either... :-/

Private Sub bgwInfoOutlook_ProgressChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal
e As System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Delegate Sub SetDgvCallback()

Private Sub SetDataSource()
If Me.dgvAdd.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New SetDgvCallback(AddressOf SetDataSource)
Me.Invoke(d, Nothing)
Me.dgvAdd.DataSource = Nothing
Me.dgvAdd.DataSource = docCtrl.InfoList
End If
End Sub

And the werit thing is: the Me.dgvAdd.InvokeRequired returns False...

"Dmytro Lapshyn [MVP]" wrote in message
Hi Pieter,

As far as I know, .NET 2.0 strictly prohibits any access to the user
interface from background worker threads. This wasn't allowed in .NET 1.1
either, but in that version one sometimes could get away with violating
the rule. Now you'll get the "Cross-thread operation not valid" almost for

Therefore, to do any updates to the UI properly, you should use the
Control.Invoke method to run the UI update code on the UI thread.
