Thread: Spellcheck
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Old February 24th 08, 09:34 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 458
Default Spellcheck

Google search informs....

Nothing we can do about M&M, it's the ampersand causing the problem.

The OE spell checker rules are very basic. For the most part, it treats all
punctuation as white space (an exception being an apostrophe).

Even though OE gets the spelling files from another application such as
Word, OE lacks much of the intelligence of the other application's spell

"shakey" wrote in message

| Not Fixed but learned something
| peratus fails but PERATUS is OK as its caps in the custom dictionary.
| However M&M is same "caps" and still fails. Try it please.
| M&M
| "Ken" wrote in message
| ...
| Tools | Options | Spelling... choose Edit Custom Dictionary.
| "shakey" wrote in message
| ...
| | I understand that OE uses the dictionary from other program such as
| word.
| | Here is my problem.
| | I have added "M&M" to my custom dictionary in word and word documents
| now
| | accept that spelling.
| | Strangely, to me, OE still rejects it; asking about M them M again.
| do
| | I need to do to get OE6 to accept it?
| | M&M
| |
| |
