Thanks for posting your query, else, would never known about this
"shakey" wrote in message
| Thanks Ken
| Would have loved a fix but its also great to now know that it was not my
| stupidity.
| M&M
| "Ken" wrote in message
| ...
| Google search informs....
| Nothing we can do about M&M, it's the ampersand causing the problem.
| The OE spell checker rules are very basic. For the most part, it treats
| all
| punctuation as white space (an exception being an apostrophe).
| Even though OE gets the spelling files from another application such as
| Word, OE lacks much of the intelligence of the other application's spell
| checker.
| "shakey" wrote in message
| | Not Fixed but learned something
| | peratus fails but PERATUS is OK as its caps in the custom dictionary.
| | However M&M is same "caps" and still fails. Try it please.
| | M&M
| |
| | "Ken" wrote in message
| | ...
| | Tools | Options | Spelling... choose Edit Custom Dictionary.
| |
| | "shakey" shakeyATsonic.net wrote in message
| | ...
| | | I understand that OE uses the dictionary from other program such
| | word.
| | | Here is my problem.
| | | I have added "M&M" to my custom dictionary in word and word
| documents
| | now
| | | accept that spelling.
| | | Strangely, to me, OE still rejects it; asking about M them M
| What
| | do
| | | I need to do to get OE6 to accept it?
| | | M&M
| | |
| | |
| |
| |
| |