Get Contacts from Outlook to Excel Combo Box
I am new to VBA, so any help on this would greatly be appriecated. I am
currently working on a project in Excel VBA. Is there a way to search
through Microsoft Outlooks Contacts with a Combo Box I have located on a
Worksheet and/of UserForm?
For example:
The user will begin to type a company name (Lets say they start with "A") in
the Combo Box and a list will appear below the combo box with all the company
names that begin with "A" in there contacts list. From there the user can
select a company and the following items will be needed: Company Name,
Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, and E-mail. These items
will be placed in cells on the worksheet the combo box is located.
Is this possible?
Thanks in Advance,