Missing Information
I have two questions. The first involves those contacts that have more than
one e-mail address for the contact. I often forward a v-card to my home
account so I don't have to recreate the contact. I have found that any
contact that has more than one e-mail address contains only the main one when
I receive it at home. The others are not there. Is there a setting that I
can change that will allow the contact to be sent in its entirety?
Secondly, I have noticed that although a business address or home address is
checked in the contact, some show that information and some don't in my
address card view. If I go in and click off the address and reclick it, when
I go back to the general view, the address is now showing. Anything I can do
fix that or do I have to go through all 700+ of my contacts and do the
click/reclick (I have no idea why that works but I found that fix by mistake.)
Thanks for any help you can offer.