Delete email at set date
If you have your Inbox emails listed by the date received all you have to do
is click to highlight the oldest one, move down to the date that you wish to
eliminate emails older than, hold down the shift key and click on that one.
That will highlight all emails older than the last one you clicked on. Hit
the Delete key. Voila!
That's what I do. But before I do that I save emails I don't want to delete.
I've made folders to contain emails I wish to keep. I right click an email
I want to keep, choose Move to Folder and click on the folder I want to save
the email in. It works the same way for Newsgroups except the only option
there is Copy to Folder. I do that to save Newsgroup messages I want to
retain for my own reference.
"Barbara Wiseman" wrote in message
When I get an email sometimes I only need to keep it for a few days or
weeks. By the time it is out of date it has disappeared down my inbox, so
it often does not get deleted.
When I get an email is it possible to put on a setting to delete it on a
date in the future? I could put on a flag to remind me to deletion later,
but would like it even better if it deleted without any further input.