set email message as first
Thank you Brian, VanguardLH was saying to toggle on the date header? I guess
they think I mean the emails not the actual chain of messages. So, you are
saying, that when the person hits the reply to my message he starts typing at
the bottom of the entire chain of conversation as opposed to beginning, this
seems odd, do they see the screen differently? In any event thanks very
much. k.
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
k wrote:
Hi, please help. How do I read the most recent email response first.
Each time I get an email response I have to scroll all the way down
to the beginning of message to get an answer, much appreciate if you
would help!
What is included in the body of a message is completely up to the sender of
that message. If the sender included prior responses and posted a the
bottom of what s/he included, then you have no choice but to scroll down to
see it. Outlook's default is top-posting (i.e., including the most recent
addition to a chain of message replies at the top), but no one says that's
how your sender must send them to you. Outlook neither knows nor cares that
the body of the message includes prior responses.
(Well, Outlook 2007 does, in that it tries to find them for you, but it
still doesn't give the body contents any special attributes.)
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]