Being Copied On Other People's Meeting Acceptances
Hi Nikki. Following are answers.
As to my original question of being cc'd on meetings that I have not
1. Yes, we are using Exchange.
2. Not sure what you mean by delegate. However, I have edit rights for
multiple people's calendars.
3. I make the meetings from myself, within my own calendar.
Separately, for meetings I create that I would automatically like to process,
I created a rule to automatically process any message arriving in my mailbox
with the subject: Accepted. Within the rule I checked "Delete the message"
and mark it as "read". The problem here is that Outlook is deleting the
message first, then marking it as read -- therefore it is not tracking the
responses within the invite itself. I do not seem to be able to change the
order of the rule to 'read' and then delete'.
Any help most appreciated. Tks, Tara
"Nikki Peterson" wrote:
This leaves me with several questions to ask before I offer a possible
1) Do you use Exchange?
2) Are you a Delegate?
3) Do you use a Resource Calendar for booking meetings?
- if so, do you MAKE A MEETING as you, or ... ?
Nikki Peterson
"Tara" wrote in message
All - I work for a huge corporate that has just switched to Outlook.
and others, who are 'required attendees' on meeting invitations are being
copied whenever another attendee accepts the meeting. Is there any way,
other than creating a rule, to stop this? Q2: Is there anyway to be
notified ONLY when someone declines a request? Thanks.