Importing from a CD
"MC" wrote in message
Right. Let's start again.
Thanks for your quick response. This is what happened:
From the Outlook folder on the HD,
What are you doing in the Outlook folder?
Copy the pst file into some OTHER folder, NOT the Outlook folder. Why?
Because it eliminates any possibility of overwriting the existing pst file.
I right clicked & unchecked the Read-Only
attribute. I press apply & a dialog box appears that reads "do you want to
apply this change to this folder or apply to all subfolders and files as
well?" I clicked "subfolder..."
That's because you are right-clicking on the FOLDER and not the FILE as in
the original instructions.
and opened up Outlook using File/Open/Outlook
Data Files (showing Personal Folder File under File Type) and nothing
I suggest you start again......