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Old March 9th 06, 12:47 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
external usenet poster
Posts: 34
Default Only when i forward emails with attachements "550 relaying mail to" [domain] "is not allowed"

Try disabling antivirus or firewall. If you are connected via a Router try
bypassing the router and sending the email.


"Brian Tillman" wrote in message
Alchemy wrote:

Bear in mind, the problem only occurs with emails that are forwarded
with an attachment. Emails forwarded that don't have attachements are
sent and delievered to their respective recipients without any
problem. With one exception..... If I forward an email with an
attachment to a recipient on the same email domain, no problems are

Given this, the first thing to do is make sure you disable any email
scanning by your antivirus program.
Brian Tillman
