wrote in message
Prior to downloading Vista SP1 and the prior updates, I was getting
50-100 junk mail
items a day. Since the download I've been getting one or two. Not that
I mind losing the
spam but there was occassionally a legitimate item tossed into the
junk file. Now I'm
only getitng a few a day showing up in the junk file. Was there
something in the updates
that has finally killed spam? Does anyone know?
Doesn't all that spam floating in air and unattached to any a hardware
or network cause problems when driving your car as it would block your
view? Geez, talk about being super vague. Yeah, like we are going to
guess as to who is your e-mail provider (which may NOT be what you claim
in your From header). If AOL is your e-mail provider, I found their
spam filtering very unreliable in that it had an unacceptable level of
false positives, so I disabled their server-side spam filtering and just
relied on my client-side anti-spam solution.
You really think spam is spewed at a constant volume? You never
bothered to mention over what period you measured the change. It's
ridiculous to make claims about spam reduction worldwide based on your
egotistic wants regarding a single e-mail account. If you want to see
some spam statistics that actually have some value, go to:
To see where it is mostly coming from: