Save a Form Region Content
I have created a form region from a IPM.Appointment item and have my
new item on the Actions menu "New MS Event". Two things...when I
select "New MS Event" in a calendar I am presented with the new form
region that I created. I populate all the fields on the form region
and the select "Save" button on the Ribbon. When I select open again
on the item I saved the fields on the form region are not populated.
I have this built within a VSTO addin and I can catch the
FormRegion_FormRegionClosed(..) event.. should I be saving the content
of this form region or should Outlook be saving the content? Does
anyone have a code example?
Also - I would like to put a "MS Event" commandbar on the content menu
when a user right clicks on the calendar - I have a commandbar
included there, however don't know what to put in the event handler to
make the new form region to appear...anyone got any thoughts?
Thanks for your time.