Sending email crashes muy computer
I have a baffling problem. I have A Dell Dimension, 1meg Ram , 2 HD ( one
500mb/one 300mb) and use Bitdefender 9 pro security suite.
As my email I use OE 6.
It's been months ago that on and off my computer crashes when I send an
email, particularly when I'm sending or forwarding something with an
attachment. Most of the time it only FREEZES and I have to reboot but other
times I get the following blue screens:
Now what's puzzling is that if I TURN OFF virus scanning for OUTGOING mails,
my computer crashes ALL THE TIME. If I turn it on it happens intermittently
as I explained and if I close altogether my antivirus the problem DOES NOT
At first I thought it may be the security suite program, but it also
happened with Norton and it took me weeks before a realized what was
happening and in the mean time I nagged Dell considering that it was a
hardware problem.
I looked into system manager and there are no conflicts and also I've
scanned for virus, Trojans and malware thoroughly. In other words my
computer is clean.
Sincerely I don't know what to do and would appreciate advice.
I'd appreciate your advice.