Outlook does screwy things when moving some messages to differentfolders
Diane Poremsky {MVP} wrote:
you are using drag and drop?
Try using Edit menu, Move to folder.
I don't drag-n-drop.
I highlight the message(s), right-click, then select "move to folder"
and then select the folder.
Instead of moving the message(s), Outlook will open a new message
composition window and drop the selected message(s) at the bottom of
the new message as an attachment(s). I get no warning that outlook is
going to do this. And it doesn't happen every time I perform a move.
And if I try to close or cancel the new message composition window,
I'm asked if I really want to abandon the attachments, but I have no
other alternative because I have no way to return them back to their
original location in their original state.