Item will return the item that fired the reminder, whether it's a message, appointment, task, or contact.You can then use whatever properties you need from that item.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"soworl" wrote in message ...
Now, I solve one step using below code.
but still have some questions.
Is it possible to know the Appointment.EndTime using Reminder or Reminders?
I only can find below property in Reminder.
Application Property
Caption Property
Class Property
IsVisible Property
Item Property
NextReminderDate Property
OriginalReminderDate Property
Parent Property
Session Property
if there is no endtime property in Reminder, can I make own reminder object?
Or Is there any way using other object?
give me some idea.
Private Sub colReminders_BeforeReminderShow(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim lngAns As Long
Dim objRem As Reminder
If colReminders.Count 0 Then
For i = colReminders.Count To 1 Step -1
If Len(colReminders(i).Caption) 0 Then
Set objRem = colReminders.Item(i)
' Interval = DateDiff("s", Now(), objRem.End) 'seconds
-dosenot work
' MsgBox "interval=" & Interval
colReminders.Remove (i)
End If
End If
Cancel = True
End Sub
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Outlook 2003 and 2007 are the current versions of Outlook, those still within their support cycle.
The object browser is your friend: Press ALt+F11 to open the VBA environment in Outlook, then press F2. Switch from All Libraries to Outlook to browse all Outlook objects and their properties, methods, and events. Select any object or member, such as Reminders.ReminderFire then press F1 to see its Help topic.
"soworl" wrote in message ...
Hi Sue,
What do you mean the current version of outlook, 2007?
I'm using 2003.
Does that mean there is no way to solve this problem?
Please, advise me.
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
If you have a current version of Outlook, you'll have more options if you use events for the Reminders collection rather than Application.Reminder.
"soworl" wrote in message ...
is there any way to dismiss when Application_Reminder is called.
I need to excute some code when reminder called, then I'd like to dismiss
that reminder without clicking the dismiss button.
when below code is running, the reminder cannot dismiss coz reminder is not
visable. dismiss only can work it's visible.
How can I solve this problem?
Help me,
my code 1 ==============================
Dim ReminderClass As New Class1
Private Sub Application_Startup()
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)
ReminderClass.ReminderDismiss Item.Subject
End Sub
class1 ==============================
Private WithEvents myolapp As Outlook.Application
Private WithEvents colReminders As Reminders
Sub Class_Terminate()
Call DeRefExplorers
End Sub
Public Sub init()
Set myolapp = Outlook.Application
Set colReminders = myolapp.Reminders
End Sub
Public Sub DeRefExplorers()
Set myolapp = Nothing
Set colReminders = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub ReminderDismiss(ByVal sCaption As String)
If colReminders.Count 0 Then
For i = colReminders.Count To 1 Step -1
If Len(colReminders(i).Caption) 0 Then
If colReminders(i).Caption = sCaption Then
If colReminders(i).IsVisible = True Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub