Can i create a rule for Sent items?
TomCon wrote:
The only thing i see there is "move a copy to a folder..." and not
just move the message itself (not a copy of it). So, as i see it,
there is still a copy in the 'Sent Items' folder.
Just reposting to ask if there is any way around that.
If you disable the option in Outlook to save copies in Sent Items, then the
copy will become a move. If you want certain messages to move to specific
folders and the remainder to move to Sent Items, then you'll need a
catch-all rule at the bottom of the list that moves everything to Sent
Items, making sure that prior rules use the "stop processing more rules"
action so that the final rule will apply only to those messages that were
not moved by a prior rule.
A caveat - all your moved messages will be marked unread. There's no way
around that.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]