Effect of two users on two laptops accessing same email acct
As long as your settings on each computer are configured to leave
messages on the server, you should be fine. However, over time,
messages will pile up on the server, and you may eventually reach a
maximum size limit imposed by your E-mail provider.
I would suggest that on ONE of the two (doesn't matter which), you set
a period after which old messages are deleted from the server. Just
make sure that it is long enough that one or the other of you won't
miss messages because they were deleted before you downloaded them.
Say, for example, you went on vacation for two weeks (wouldn't that be
nice!), and you had your laptop and were checking the E-mail, but your
husband was not. If your laptop's Outlook settings were set to remove
the messages from the server after 10 days, then when you got back
from vacation your husband would check the account on his computer and
would only get new messages from the last 4 days. Make sense?
So, you could set this value to, say, 60 days. It is unlikely that 1)
you would max out your server space in that time or 2) that either of
you would go two months without checking mail on your respective
I would also NOT check the box to delete messages from the server when
removed from the Deleted Items folder. If you delete messages
directed only to your husband, and then for whatever reason happen to
clear out your deleted items before he gets that message on his
computer, he'll never get it because it is gone from the server and
gone from your computer too.
By the way, all of these settings are found (this varies a bit by
Outlook version) under the Tools menu, Account Settings. You want to
configure, change, or edit your account settings (I'm not sure exactly
what it says in each version), and basically you have to keep drilling
down through dialogs. Look for "More Settings..." and finally the
"Advanced" tab in an Internet E-mail Settings dialog. The "Delivery"
section is about 1/2 down that Advanced tab, and consists of just a
few checkboxes and a box for the number of days to keep messages on
the server.
Hope this helps; let us know if you have any more questions.