missing holidays
I have added UK holidays to Outlook 2007 but they are not showing up
in my calendar. I have re-added them and have not been able to get
this to work.
I use a combination of Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007. I have Outlook
2007 at work on my workstation and on my laptop, but I still have
Outlook 2003 on my two home computers. Could this be an issue as I
haven't installed the holiday update for 2008 onwards on my Outlook
2003 workstations?
This is an exchange account, so I sort of assumed this would get
loaded to the server and replicate to all my outlook clients.
Are there any known issues with using a combination of outlook 2007
and 2008 with exchange 2003? I hadn't really thought about it before
and haven't had any problems before this, save that the Emtpty Junk E-
Mail folder option is gone from my Outlook menu (all versions and all
machines) and I have a Courrier Indesirable folder (which does have an
empty option) and Junk e-mail bizzarely by some unknown rule goes to
either the Courrier Indesireable folder, or the Junk E-Mail folder.
The majority of it goes to the Courrier Indesirable.... but a lot
still goes to Junk E-Mail as well. I deleted all my rules day before
yesterday to see if that made any differenc and it didn't, I've also
tryied the resetfolders (can't remember exactly what it was called)
and that didn't help.
Has anyone else seen anything like this? I just loaded Outlook 2003
on a new computer at home on Monday and it's exactly the same as all
the rest, no holidays and no Empty Junk E-Mail option... scratches
head and sighs....