Hi Andee,
Outlook 2003 (normally) can not save the "flags" of additional selected
After a restart of Outlook you have to select the calendars again and again.
If you do not restart Outlook the flags are saved.
Outlook 2007 will save this flags but (normally) not Outlook 2007.
This was the reason why we developed a small freeware tool (Public Calendar
Choice), to save this flags also in Outlook 2003:
I do not know why it worked on your OL2003 version, but normaly this flags
were not stored in Outlook 2003.
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Extended reminder function for Outlook / Exchange: Public Reminder Addin
"Andee39" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Sorry about that - I was just coming back in to post additional info when
saw your response. It is Outlook 2003. Thanks!
"Oliver Vukovics [Public Shareware]" wrote:
Hi Andee39,
your Outlook version is?
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Outlook and Exchange: Public SyncTool
"Andee39" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Every morning when I open Outlook, I open 7 or 8 additional shared
that I have access to. In the past when I logged off and then logged
whether it was the same day or the next day all of the additional
calendars I
had opened were still there. As of a month or so ago, whenever I close
calendar view and reopen it some or all of the additional calendars I
previously opened are not there anymore and I have to reselect them all
again. Any ideas of why this started happening? Thanks!