It is 2-step study: first, you need to know how to develop VSTO Outlook
add-in (you must have Office2003 Pro or Outlook2003 stand-alone version,
Outlook2003 from MS Office2003 Standard will not work. Or you need
Outlook2007). After you know how to run .NET code in Outlook (via VSTO), you
can then study on WCF.
I did not have something immediately available in hand. When I googled
"Outlook VATO", tons of links came up.
Also these links may be useful:
"soworl" wrote in message
Can you give me some useful link or recommand books?
It's hard to find without some knowledge.
"Norman Yuan" wrote:
You need to use VSTO to create Outlook VSTO Add-in, and cosume WCF
from there, because WCF is on .NET3.x stuff, not need develop it with
..NET3.x tool.
"soworl" wrote in message
Hi All,
Is it possible to call WCF Service from outlook (Visual Basic Editor)?
if it is, how we can call.
please, give me some useful link or sample.
Thanks for your help,