Contact folder missing, but not all the time
jwb wrote:
I have several different Contact folders. For instance I have a
folder called "Showcase College Coaches".
Where are they located? Are they in the same data store as your default
Contacts folder or are they in a different one? Which version of Outlook?
Is your data store and Exchange mailbox or a PST? This is information you
should always supply when asking a question.
All of the sudden, this and 1 or 2 others has disappeared.....
however if I create a new message and click on "TO:" in the drop down
window of available contact folders to look for, these folders are
That means that your contacts folders are enabled as address books but that
has nothing to do with Navigation Pane views. Which Navigation Pane view
are you using? Where do you think they should show and don't?
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]