Problem viewing contact list in email
Post your Outlook version when you post a question so someone can answer.
The "Contact File" to which you refer does not exist. All Outlook data is in
one file.
You appear to have recovered everything. You simply need to tell your
address book view in which folder you would like it to start. That is easily
done, but we cannot tell you how since you did not provide the requisite
Russ Valentine
"Skip Bisconer" wrote in message
I recently had to start my Outlook with backup copy. I have recovered all
files including the Contact file. The problem is when I click the to
in email it comes blank and I have to click in the show names to: box and
click the Contacts name. The problem seems to be that there are three
in the Show Names to:
First is "Personal Address Book" which is blank, Second is Outlook Address
Book that says, "No entries in this Address Book", and lastly Contats
show all my contact file. I assume because this is on the bottom is why it
doesn't just come up automatically like it use to. How do I get that
to show up in the list first. It's a problem in my Word mail merge too.
Thanks for looking at my problem.