Accounts Backup/Restore
G.Mester wrote:
"VanguardLH" wrote in message
G.Mester wrote:
Since I plan to reinstall my OS and reinstall the Office package what is
procedure to backup/restore all account settings in Outlook 2007?
Use the "Save My Settings Wizard" utility that is included with Office
and is added as a shortcut under the start menu.
Yes sure, did u look there yourself?
I didn't waste my money on versions of Office that afford me no
functionality beyond what my current version already gives me (and more
than I want). I'm not well-trained by marketing types that con you into
thinking you need to always get the latest version or replace what is
working with an unknown that they claim is "better" (for them, not
necessarily for you). Fact is, I won't be buying (out of my pocket)
another version of Office. Instead I would go to OpenOffice.
The wizard was available in Office XP. I figured it would still be
available in Office 2007, or a similar feature provided for exporting
all the settings. Yeah, guess "better" turned out to be less than what
was available before. Another reason not to upgrade.
Somewhere in the registry are the MAPI data that you want to export.
Tried searching the registry yet on the strings used in the e-mail
accounts that you have defined, like on the server name or the account
name? I found it before in the registry by searching on my e-mail