Outlook03: Search Address in new Mail
my boss recently migrated from Lotus Notes to Outlook 2003 and he is coming
up with a couple of questions every day. So far I was able to solve most of
them, but today he found something strange.
In Lotus Notes things were like this:
He opened a new mail and in the ³To²-Field started to type in some
characters. Notes would instantly begin a search for this string in the
address book and come up with some hits, from which he would choose the
desired receiver. Quite straight forward and as one would expect a search
function to work.
In Outlook things are different to him:
When he types something in the mentioned field (eg. ³jo²), outlook only
generates a list of prenames, whom he already send a mail before, like:
³john², ³joanna²... But he was actually looking for someone like: ³Mr.
I told him that he has to click on the ³To²-Button to make this search in
the address-book. There again, only people whose first name begins with ³jo²
show up. Even worse, outlook even sees a personıs title as a search
criteria. As my boss is a professor at university, he has a lot of persons
with professor titles in his address book... When I showed him the next
search function in the search-the-address window, he smiled at me...
I guess he is not the only person, who is more kind sending mail to people
he is not best friends with and so remembers their last names more easily.
Is there a plug-in or some other trick to convince outlook to make a ³real²
search, instead of listing everybody with a first name starting with an J?
Your help is very welcome!