Rules and ignoring certain posts
VanguardLH wrote:
DavidW wrote:
I have rules to flag newsgroup posts from certain people as Ignore,
but I don't want responses to those posts ignored, which is what's
happening now. If an ignored poster starts a thread, every other
post in the thread is ignored. How can I stop this?
Also, what exactly does "Stop processing more rules" mean? I have it
on, on advice, but I don't know why I need it.
In OE, marking a message as ignored or watched via a rule does NOT
mark the entire thread (existing or future posts) to also get get
similarly marked.
It doesn't mark existing replies ignored (using Apply Now), but it does mark
future replies ignored. When I read all new messages in one newsgroup earlier,
the OP of some threads was marked ignored according to the rules, but so was
every other post inside the thread by people who aren't supposed to be ignored.
If it did the same with new posts that it does with existing posts I'd be happy.
So even if you use a view that hides ignored
messages, the unmarked messages will still show up.
Marking watched or ignored which marks the entire thread that way only
works when you manually tag a particular post within a thread.
Doesn't work that way with rules, though.
Well, rules are working that way for me.