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Old April 12th 08, 06:29 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,313
Default Forwarding Mail ???????

Chip and Roxanne wrote:

Does anyone no how to forward a email when it has pictures and a message
without sending all of the attached names and addresses? Sometime when I
receive a message like this I need to open it five or six times to get to it
and was just wondering if there is any way to forward it on with out all of
the attachments. Thank You

If each successive recipient was attaching the original message (that
they got) when forwarding then you get the cascade of messages that you
are talking about. So just open this cascade at whatever point of when
you want to forward at that level. If you want to forward the very
first message then open it (as you already noted that you did) and just
forward THAT message all by itself to whatever recipients you specify.