If you are scanning an image for display on a monitor, setting the
scanner resolution to about 100 DPI (dots per inch) is reasonable. If
you have already have an image and want to make it smaller, many image
editing programs have such a function (often called resample, resize, or
stretch). It's important that you reduce the image number of pixels
(picture elements). Some programs offer an option to change the display
resolution. This doesn't alter the image or file size, it just tells
display programs what resolution to use when they display the image.
Many display programs ignore that option and display at a fixed
resolution. Most scanners and digital cameras include a simple image
editing program. Depending on your version of Windows, you may be able
to use the Windows Paint program. Others are available at shareware
sites. See the URL in my signature for links to shareware sites. Also
Windows XP Image Resizer Power Toy
File Viewer/Converter
Mike -
"Holly Edwards" wrote in message
Does anyone know how I would go about makeing my pictures smaller to
fit the email message format? Thanks, Holly