Behaving as designed. The Outlook Address Book is intended to display all
electronic addresses to which you might want to send messages. Outlook
considers fax numbers to be valid electronic addresses, since there
are many client- and server-based components that can use such addresses.
One method to hide fax numbers from the address book is to prefix the fax
number with one or more letters (maybe B for business fax, H for home, O for
other). If the fax number begins with a letter, Outlook won't show it in the
address book.
There are a couple of utilities that can help you hide fax numbers from the
address book. See: (Hide Fax Numbers)
Another way to avoid having fax numbers appear in the address book is
simply not to enter data in the fax fields. Put fax numbers in some other
(non-phone) fields.
Russ Valentine
"D.Reed" wrote in message
Doses anyone know how only display the email address of the contact when
are trying to send a email. When you click on the TO address book and
your contacts not only do you get the contact name 2 to 3 times especially
you have a personal fax number, a business fax number and email address.
you have 50 contacts you end up with 100 plus entries to choose from. Is
there any way of displaying only the contact with his email address? I
spend several hours on this with no luck.
Thanks in advance.