Why Messages go to my Spam folder
On Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:07:31 -0800, TMacK wrote:
This might be something I should be asking the Symantec people...
...but so far haven't found a news group there.
Symantec is losing users. I have quit using Symantec products as of System
Works 2003. I will no longer buy anything published by Symantec. Which is
unfortunate because peer users, such as I, who actually could have helped
you are not going to be there.
So...All e-mails from my daughter,she is in my address book,just regular ol
messages,go directly into my Norton Anit Spam folder! BTW I check it as
"this is not spam" ,but the next one ends up there too.
She uses G-mail and am wondering if this has anything to do with it,but otoh
this doesn't happen to other people she e-mails.
Most likely because a number of GMail servers have been listed by the
SpamCop Blocking List (SCBL) from time to time. Symantec probably scores
email from GMail on that basis. You should spend a little time with the NAS
Help files; see if they don't tell you how to manually override such
Unfortunately, Symantec has better marketers than programmers, so they can
con people into buying a product which, in many ways, is inferior to a
handful of free software which does much the same thing.
~Oh Lord, why have you come
~To Konnyu, with the Lion and the Drum