Business FAX in To Box
Can't do anything more here without exact steps to repro. I have no
information to go on. There is a huge amount of territory between no SP and
SP3, and I doubt a SP is even related. You should also try to recall what
steps actually created the problem in the first place, as well as answer the
questions I posed. Include exact steps you are using to send a fax (still
not clear from your description), what happens, error messages, and Event
You should try all the standard maintenance procedures: Repair your data
store, reset the Address Book Service, and if necessary, create a new
Russ Valentine
"Rose" wrote in message
No it does not work with a new contact from scratch. In Outlook 2003,
no SP's, it works just fine. So, something between No SP and SP-3 removed
the functionality.
Appreciate any help you can give...
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
You'll have to do more troubleshooting at your end. There is more to this
story than just installing an update. Open a Contact that does not work
examine the fax fields. Are they resolved? If you create a new Contact
scratch, does it work?
Russ Valentine
"Rose" wrote in message
Works fine if selected from the Select Names dialog box.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
SP3 does not remove this capability. Tell us the rest of the story.
what happens when you select the fax address from the Outlook Address
Russ Valentine
"Rose" wrote in message
Using Office 2003. Just updated to SP-3 online. Now when I click
on a
Contact who only has a Business FAX, and choose SEND Message to
(Toolbar ICON or Action) their FAX info does not show in the TO box.
simply blank. I have FaX Transport in place. This worked before
update just fine.
Can anyone please tell me how I can get this functionality back???