How to set schedule to send emails?
You can, but it's not a simple operation.
Tools | Options | Send. Uncheck: Send Messages Immediately. In Tools |
Options | Read, Check: Send and receive messages at startup.
Create the message and save it to Drafts temporarily.
Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Scheduled Tasks. Click on
Add New Task | Next | Outlook Express. Follow the prompts and choose One
Time Only. Note that you can right click on Scheduled Tasks and Send To |
Desktop (create shortcut) if you are going to do this often.
Now, at some time before you chose to send the message, you have to close
OE, but leave the computer on. Just before you do, open Drafts and press
Send to put the message in the Outbox. If you have OE configured to poll for
new messages every XX minutes, you will either have to uncheck it, or close
OE quickly as that will send the message also.
When the chosen time arrives, OE will open and send the message.
You will have to go back to Scheduled Tasks and delete the task you created
at some time.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"Eric" wrote in message
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to set schedule to send emails for
Outlook express?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions