Test it both ways using an OR clause.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options
"RN" wrote in message
I have an issue here in using the Restrict method to confine my result set
to a specific topic. In both cases below EmailSubject is a string passed
to a method that handle the statement.
Case 1 (use of escaped double quotes in search string):
MyMailItems = SelectedFolder.Items.Restrict("[ConversationTopic]=\"" +
EmailSubject + "\"");
--- This will fail if there is any double quotation mark in the
ConversationTopic field.
Case 2 (use of single quotation mark in search string):
MyMailItems = SelectedFolder.Items.Restrict("[ConversationTopic]='" +
EmailSubject + "'");
--- This will fail if there is any single quotation mark in the
ConversationTopic field.
Both Case 1 and Case 2 work fine if there is no single or double quotation
marks present in the ConversationTopic field.
So I got a problem in either case. Does anyone have any suggestion in
handling or bypassing the presence of either the double or the single
quotation marks in ConversationTopics?