Error Messages
I run Outlook 97 on my employer's PC and make use of the Personal Folders
facility quite a bit. As we are restricted to a 10Mb mailbox size I find it
very helpful to simply copy all Inbox messages and Sent Items to Personal
Folders and they are then stored on the C drive in perpetuity.
This has worked fine for 5+ years but now I am getting an error message when
I try and delete or move items between the sub folders of my Personal
Folders. This is either:
- The messaging interface has returned an unknown error. If the problem
persists, start Outlook again [have done that several times to no avail]
- Can't move the items
Our internal IT guys (telephone support to several thousand employees)
aren't too interested and say that it may be something to do with the size
of my .pst file (c 238Mb). They suggested splitting the Personal Folders
and thereby reducing the size of each .pst file but this hasn't worked
Any ideas? I have some 27,000 messages stored and am keen not to lose them!