I want to give credit the person(s) who wrote this script file, but have
forgotten, but you know who you are, thank-you.
1. You will need to get information from the registy. So you can change some
of the registry info in the the file.
2. After you get the information, on your Desktop create a NotePad file, and
copy/paste the following into the NotePad file.
VBS File to SYNC/ALL For Email & Newsgroups: (Do Not copy this line)
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
'Clear the values from the registry
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Identities\Last Username", "IdentityName"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Identities\Last User ID", "{Long ID No.}"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Identities\Default User ID", "{Long ID No.}"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Identities\Start As", "{Long ID No.}"
Dim taskID
taskID = "* - Outlook Express"
WshShell.Run "c:\progra~1\outloo~1\msimn.exe", 9
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.AppActivate taskID
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.SendKeys "%TZ" 'sends Alt-T-Z for Tools|Synchronize All
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.SendKeys "%H" 'sends Alt-H to Hide spooler window
'WshShell.AppActivate taskID
'Launch Outlook Express
WSHShell.Run "Msimn.exe"
'Launch Outlook Express
WSHShell.Run "Msimn.exe"
VBS File to SYNC/ALL For Just Newsgroups: (Do Not copy this line)
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
'Clear the values from the registry
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Identities\Last Username", "IdentityName"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Identities\Last User ID", "{Long ID No.}"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Identities\Default User ID", "{Long ID No.}"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Identities\Start As", "{Long ID No.}"
Dim taskID
taskID = "* - Outlook Express"
WshShell.Run "c:\progra~1\outloo~1\Msimn.exe /newsonly", 9
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.AppActivate taskID
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.SendKeys "%TZ" 'sends Alt-T-Z for Tools|Synchronize All
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.SendKeys "%H" 'sends Alt-H to Hide spooler window
'WshShell.AppActivate taskID
'Launch Outlook Express
WSHShell.Run "Msimn.exe /newsonly"
'Launch Outlook Express
WSHShell.Run "Msimn.exe /newsonly"
3. Then in NotePad Select File Save As Name the file with a *.VBS
4 Create a folder in My Documents, Name it Forced OE ID Copy and Paste
*.VBS file into it.
5. With OE closed, click on the file and see if it is launches OE as you
desire. if successful:
6. Right click the *.VBS fileSend To Select Send Shortcut to Desktop.
7. Rename shortcut to some you can find easily on the Desktop.
8. Again with OE closed, see if this shortcut launches OE.
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"caroloyl" wrote in message
Is it possible to create a desktop shortcut that will automatically open a
specific OE identity? The default shortcut always opens the last identity I
used and toggling with the "switch identities" dialog is getting kinda old.
I have two persona set up--no one else uses my computer so neither is
password protected. OE 6.00.2800.1123, Windows Millennium.
Thanks for your thoughts.