"DavidW" wrote in message
Bruce Hagen wrote:
"DavidW" wrote in message
.. .
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM wrote:
"DavidW" wrote in message
I have rules to flag newsgroup posts from certain people as Ignore,
but I don't want responses to those posts ignored, which is what's
happening now. If an ignored poster starts a thread, every other
post in the thread is ignored. How can I stop this?
Also, what exactly does "Stop processing more rules" mean? I have
it on, on advice, but I don't know why I need it.
Instead of marking the messages as ignored mark them as read.
So you are effectively saying that a killfile is not necessary or
Why don't you just KF the people you don't wish to see posts from? If
you don't want to see posts from , create a From rule
that deletes that address and also check Stop processing more rules.
Forget about ignore rules.
Because I occasionally do want to see posts by someone I wat to ignore.
Poster JohnDoe has an annoying style, is too trivial and posts far too
much to put up with his posts, but he's usually on topic. If I delete him
I'll still see replies to him, which is okay, but I might be interested
enough in what's said to want to see the OP now and then, but it's been
deleted. I want them marked Ignored so I can see them if I want, but if I
do that all sub-branches are also marked Ignored when I download the
latest posts.
Also, I'm happy to delete spam, but it's possible that a rule I'm using to
kill spam will sometimes inadvertently kill a legitimate poster. Deletion
is too drastic because you can only use it when you're 100% sure you'll
never want to see a post that satisfies the rule, and I would rarely be
that sure. Whatever you do to hide a post should be reversible.
Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too. How about adding these people
to a rule that highlights with color instead of delete, or ignore?
I have about 100 addresses in my killfile, and I am /positive/ I don't want
to see messages from them again, but they are spammers and trolls.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA